Da Ma Cai Results

Damacai Da Ma Cai 1+3D 大馬彩
18-09-2024 (Wed) 5805/24
1st Prize
2nd Prize
3rd Prize
5855 4567 9873
Special 特別獎
9815 1712
7663 0879
1133 3779
8478 3201
2867 4551
Consolation 安慰獎
4449 1624
4540 8861
9039 7037
6896 1001
8800 2512
Damacai Da Ma Cai 3+3D 大馬彩
18-09-2024 (Wed) 5805/24
1st Prize
2nd Prize
3rd Prize
755855 024567 879873
Bonus 1 Bonus 2 Bonus 3
906,410.40 685,532.30 1,226,188.40
Special 特別獎
219815 871712
897663 610879
811133 863779
078478 503201
852867 844551
Consolation 安慰獎
704449 141624
854540 248861
319039 787037
276896 551001
938800 802512

Past Da Ma Cai Results: 15-09-2024 (Sun)

Damacai Da Ma Cai 1+3D 大馬彩
15-09-2024 (Sun) 5804/24
1st Prize
2nd Prize
3rd Prize
5474 8558 5109
Special 特別獎
7009 1123
4305 3988
7241 5257
5875 4161
1684 7940
Consolation 安慰獎
9786 1890
9022 5064
1241 7001
7638 3571
4697 0628
Damacai Da Ma Cai 3+3D 大馬彩
15-09-2024 (Sun) 5804/24
1st Prize
2nd Prize
3rd Prize
695474 778558 225109
Bonus 1 Bonus 2 Bonus 3
906,410.40 685,532.30 1,226,188.40
Special 特別獎
667009 851123
854305 053988
167241 225257
825875 454161
401684 157940
Consolation 安慰獎
949786 461890
209022 755064
751241 867001
487638 293571
554697 880628

Past Da Ma Cai Results: 14-09-2024 (Sat)

Damacai Da Ma Cai 1+3D 大馬彩
14-09-2024 (Sat) 5803/24
1st Prize
2nd Prize
3rd Prize
2851 6993 6110
Special 特別獎
2021 8705
3199 9652
8899 8170
4193 5117
7258 2197
Consolation 安慰獎
2275 6734
2637 8614
8266 0581
0637 9556
7603 3046
Damacai Da Ma Cai 3+3D 大馬彩
14-09-2024 (Sat) 5803/24
1st Prize
2nd Prize
3rd Prize
112851 016993 436110
Bonus 1 Bonus 2 Bonus 3
876,410.40 655,532.30 1,196,188.40
Special 特別獎
942021 328705
463199 189652
138899 548170
024193 965117
407258 092197
Consolation 安慰獎
422275 836734
432637 638614
028266 050581
380637 489556
087603 783046

Da Ma Cai - FAQ

Who is eligible to buy Da Ma Cai games?
To purchase Da Ma Cai games, you must be at least 21 years old and non-Muslim.

Where can I buy Da Ma Cai games?
You can place your bets at Da Ma Cai outlets or through the dmcGO App.

What is the purchase limit for 1+3D, Super 1+3D, 3D, and 3+3D Bonus games?
You can purchase as much as you wish for these games, subject to the sales limit set.

Are there any purchase limits for 1+3D Jackpot and 3D Jackpot games?
There are no sales limits for the 1+3D Jackpot and 3D Jackpot games, so you can buy as much as you like.

When are the Damacai results draws conducted?
Da Ma Cai results draws occur every Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday. Special draws are held on Tuesdays, as specified by the Ministry of Finance.

Can I buy Da Ma Cai games in advance?
Yes, you can purchase tickets for up to six draws in advance, including the current draw and five future draws.

How do I claim my prize winnings?
To claim your prize, present the original winning ticket and your identity card or passport on the next business day after the draw.

About Da Ma Cai

Pan Malaysian Pools Sdn. Bhd. (“PMP”) was incorporated in Malaysia on July 4, 1988, and primarily operates under the Racing (Totalisator Board) Act, 1961, managing the Numbers Forecast Totalisator business.

On August 9, 2011, Jana Pendidikan Malaysia Sdn Bhd (“JPM”) acquired full ownership of PMP. Since this acquisition, all net dividends received by JPM from PMP have been donated to The Community Chest (“TCC”). This transition has redefined PMP from a for-profit entity into a social business, channeling long-term support to TCC for the benefit of the Malaysian community.

TCC, primarily funded by PMP's profits, supports the establishment, development, and enhancement of non-profit schools and learning institutions that lack sufficient government or community funding.

Rather than providing direct cash donations to schools, TCC's volunteers collaborate with school officials and contractors to address urgent infrastructure needs. They work to build, restore, and repair facilities, ensuring that schools are safe and conducive to learning.

Since its inception in 2011, TCC volunteers have been actively involved with Chinese and Tamil vernacular schools, as well as missionary schools across Malaysia. Their efforts include repairing broken roofs and tiles, addressing termite infestations, fixing toilets, and upgrading old buildings. They also contribute to the construction of new facilities such as multi-purpose halls, covered walkways, science labs, libraries, and resource centers.

You can check the latest Damacai live results on 4D Panda website.

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